Gather. Word. Meal. Send.
Lutheran worship is liturgical, meaning it follows a particular rhythm - typically the pattern of Gather, Word, Meal, Send. But liturgy isn’t just the basis of our worship; it’s the basis of our lives. And so we see ourselves as living this liturgy all the time in our lives together. We’ll show you what we mean.
Time together is the most important part of being a community, and so we gather frequently throughout the week. We gather for worship & dinner on Sundays, we gather for dinner & fellowship on Thursdays, and we gather for small groups and coffee and meals and conversations and service and togetherness all throughout the week.
Rooting ourselves in God’s Word is also an important part of our life together. It’s why we utilize Scripture as a central aspect of our journey. We use it in worship, we study it in small groups, we have it written on our walls and in our hearts. But God’s Word isn’t just the Bible. John’s gospel tells us that Jesus is God’s Word made flesh, and we hold this in mind as we strive to hold Christ at the core of our community.
What can we say? We like to eat! Meal usually refers to the part of worship where we share Holy Communion - and we do that weekly in our Sunday Night Worship - but that’s not the only meal we share. We also eat dinner together on Sundays and Thursdays, and find opportunities to eat breakfast or lunch together throughout the week.
Being the Church isn’t really about us; the church exists for the sake of the world. And so as life-giving as it is to be in community together, our mission doesn’t end there. Rather we are sent out to share with the world the love we have found in God. We do this in the witness of our lives, but also in serving our neighbors and community, which is an important part of our life together.