Worship, Fellowship,
Discipleship, & More
Sunday Night Worship & Dinner
We worship every week during the school year on Sunday Night at 5:30 pm, and we’d love for you to join us. Our worship takes many forms, but it’s always a time for us to turn our hearts to God in prayer, song, and conversation. We celebrate Holy Communion each week, and all are welcome to partake of God’s meal of grace - just like all are welcome to worship here. And then stick around after worship for dinner and fellowship!
Thursday Night Gatherings
We gather Thursdays at 7:00pm for dinner (usually pizza) and togetherness. Sometimes we just eat and hang out. Sometimes we play board games. Sometimes we study Scripture. Sometimes we have Trivia Night. Sometimes we paint or do crafts. Sometimes we have deep theological conversations. Sometimes we laugh, and cry, and sing, and pray. You can check out our calendar; but no matter what we are doing, we’d love you to be a part of it.
F2 Small Groups
Fun & Fellowship Groups (F2) meet at times all throughout the week offering various ways to learn, grow, and connect. We’ve had Bible studies, Enneagram groups, Queer Faith groups, Prayer groups, and much more. Contact Us or Join the Group.me to learn about what we have going on this year.